Online jobs are getting popular day by day. People are interested in easy ways to make money online because it’s a fantastic way of living. If you are reading this and you want to develop your online business, but you don’t want to invest any money, then this is the post for you. In this post, I will tell you how to make money online in your spare time without any investment. All you must do is put in your little effort & time, that’s it. So let’s dive in.

Sell Photographs Online

There is a new and emerging concept in the market, and that is selling photographs online. A growing number of photo enthusiasts and photographers are buying and selling their photos online, making it easier for them to earn from their hobby. You can earn substantially by selling your photos online. Do you love taking photos? Having a passion for photography? Then why not earn some cash by selling your photographs. The idea may have crossed your mind in the past, but it perhaps seemed too overwhelming to get started or difficult in terms of how to do it.
Modern cameras and smartphone cameras allow us to capture and share information-rich photos in ways we never could before. So why not turn your hobby into an income-generating opportunity?
You can create online portfolios, displaying your work on social media, or joining different websites to sell pictures. There are many websites such as Shutterstock, iStock Photo, and Getty Images where you can earn extra money by selling on these platforms.
By selling your pictures you are creating passive income that allows you to pursue your photography hobby without worrying about the money aspect of it all.

Create a YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the biggest platforms where millions of people are spending their time watching videos It is a fantastic platform where you can upload your video and earn on the other side. Be it your passion, something which you are good at. If you are good at anything and are willing to teach about it, YouTube is a great way to make money online So stop thinking and start making such amazing tutorial videos that will be loved by all your subscribers.

Once you publish your video, people watch it and share. This will help you to build your own channel. And once you have a good following, people will subscribe to your channel and will watch your videos. You can monetize your channel by making money through ads or sponsorships on YouTube. With their Google Preferred program, advertisers can choose to show ads on specific channels, which allows you to earn money based on the number of views your video gets.

There are tons of challenges associated with it such as getting an audience, creating concepts for your video, and other technical aspects that you should keep in mind. One of the most challenging jobs in making a video is coming up with a good topic that will keep your audience engaged throughout the entirety of the video. Viewers stay longer on your video, and you will get the benefit from it.

Minimum eligibility criteria to join the YouTube partner program is you have to follow YouTube channel monetization policies (), you live in a country where YPP is available, no active community guidelines strike on your channel (), your videos have more than 4000 valid pubic watch hours in the last 12 months, have more than 1000 subscribers & have a linked AdSense account.


Dropshipping is a convenient and cost-effective way to run your e-commerce business. It is a kind of retail where being a seller you don’t have a physical inventory. You don’t need to worry about the inventory, packing, and shipment. When a customer orders a specific product, you simply purchase that product from a third party & they ship the product directly to the buyer. The best part is you don’t need any investment to start all that needs in dropshipping is your efforts, dedication & hard work.
When you start your business as a drop shipping, the first thing you will need is to decide on a venue for selling your product. You have plenty of platforms to offer your product on, but none of it would be as perfect as an e-commerce store like eBay & Amazon.
Dropshipping is the easiest and fastest way to start making money online. Once you find a product that’s in demand and in-stock with a supplier if you buy the product and send it to your customer you can instantly make money! It doesn’t get any easier than that.

Create and Sell an Online Course

You have a lot of knowledge, and you do a lot of stuff on daily basis. You take a picture, you write a story, you paint a picture, you do a video tutorial for YouTube, you edit a video for your YouTube channel, and you don’t sell it – share your knowledge by creating an online course and sell it online. An online course allows you to take the audience from the first level to the higher one.

Now the question is where will you host your video courses? Well, there are many sites out there where you can earn a percentage of each sale such as skillshare.com & udemy.com where you can register yourself & upload your courses. If you have a website, you can also utilize it for selling your courses.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where you earn commission by promoting someone else’s product. It is among the best methods to make money online, as it can help you make money even when you sleep; as an affiliate marketer, all you need to do is to promote products.
This is the method where you can promote someone else’s product and when a buyer buys that product using your affiliate link, you earn a commission.
There are plenty of ways to earn money with affiliate marketing. You can sell just about anything on the internet, that is your choice if it fits into the niche of your blog or website. Promoting someone else’s product is easy but you must make sure that you are promoting a product that is of value for the readers or viewers of the site.
You don’t need to have your own website for promoting affiliate links. In fact, you can use several platforms such as YouTube, Pinterest, Quora, and Reddit by creating landing pages for your links to get traffic from these platforms to your affiliate links.

Become a Freelancer

Freelancing is a great way to earn some extra money on the side. You can set your own schedule and choose what work you’d like to tackle. Selling specific skills through an online job portal is one of the easiest and better ways of earning money online.
If you possess a specific skill like writing, translation, graphic design, video editing, designing logs then you can earn money online by offering your services. There are many websites on the internet where you can register yourself & offer your services. Most popular among them are fiver.com, upwork.com, guru.com & freelancer.com.
The website allows you to set your own rates on everything you can offer. You can select how many hours of service you want to offer for every project, and then the client will contact you for a project. So what are you waiting for, go and register yourself, create a profile with your details along with portfolio.


Blogging is a great way to show your interest in a particular topic, product, or service but did you know that blogging has become an excellent avenue to make money from. Many people think that they will just blog for fun and not for making money. The problem is that they don’t know the right way to monetize their blog in order to make money. You can use several methods to make money on your blog. You can run ads by using the AdSense program do affiliate marketing, participate in blogging contests, and many more.
The real money to be made from blogging comes from product creation. If you have a sizable audience, one of the best ways to make money is by creating a product that could help them in some way. This product could be in the form of an eBook, a downloadable tool, or a video course. It can be anything under the sun.

Virtual Assistant

Being a virtual assistant involves assisting people with their daily tasks over the internet by using different applications like Skype, Gmail, Evernote, etc. A virtual assistant is someone who works with clients from a remote location. They help their clients with basic office tasks as well as more complicated things such as web design and programming. In most cases, they work very closely with the client via email or face-to-face conversations. Virtual assistants’ demands in increasing day by day because people today are busier than ever, and many rely heavily on help in their daily lives.

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